Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Hypocrisy of the Left
The Indian left never ceases to amaze me at the hypocrisy they practice in the context of their role in a parliamentary democracy. Apart from clinging to old Stalinist dogmas and their opposition to any reformist move, which they pursue however grudgingly in West Bengal, not once did they come out strongly against corruption, bad governance/administration and despotic offcials at he lower rung with whom the masses (whose causes they champion) silently suffer..especially the poor and marginalized.
Their penchant for tyrants from the cow belt who epitomised the decay of the Northern part of India into anarchy and miasma, further diminishes the image of the Left in the eyes of many right thinking persons- not necessarily intellectuals. What is baffling is their lack of a credible explanation for any rational economic decisions.They get away with vague Marxist jargons which many people see through, but are at a loss of words to express their outrage. Just by having a strong base in two states they straddle the high economic ground in the Centre by opposing every good, sane and rational economic decision- decisions which have the potential to create lakhs of jobs, provide better servies to the people etc and ameliorate the lot of the people in general.
Many people are gradually veering round the view that....unknown to the Left itself- that the Left is anti development. That they do not want the country to prosper and develop and they want the people to suffer under an oppressive and despotic bureaucracy..for whom they have an especially soft corner, as the govt servants/large bureaucracy stand for statism in every aspect of life.
Their opposition to the privatization of Mumbai and Delhi airports has no economic rationale.Their sniping at Mr. Praful Patel with the help of a few disgruntled Congressmen should be exposed. The alternate plan of using AAI funds to fund any expansion is a colossal loss of public money as it is a well knowm fact that the given the inefficency and wastage of govt projects ( exception being the Delhi Metro since the funding is external) much of the taxpayers money will go down the drain. Who will be answerable for the loss...Will the hyprcritical Left explain.
Similarly, I agree that the sale of the Juhu Centaur hotel did not fetch an optimum market price as its subsequent sale has shown. But it in no way can crucify and castigate a man of such umimpeachable integrity as Mr. Arun Shourie, who did his homework with help of sound financial advice and arrived at a reserve price based on certain financial parameters. The Left is clamoring for a CBI probe into the POTENTIAL LOSS of Rs 60 crore to the exchequer. Will the left also order a CBI probe into the POTENTIAL RETURN of about thousands of crores from lakhs of crores sunk into a bottomless pit called the PUBLIC SECTOR for close to 45 years since independence. How a highly ineffcient public sector with it's high ICOR (incremental capital output ratio) acted as a drag on the economy inspite of creating a large organized sector exployment ( a LABOUR ARISTOCRACY AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TOILING MASSES) and it coninues to act as a drag even today and results in a POTENTIAL GDP loss of about 1.5 % thus preventing from attaining an 8% growth. Apart from all this the corruption, inefficeincy sloth and a system of patronage this system has spawned is all for here to see and cannot in any way be quantified let alone probed.
Mind you this Public sector also includes ITDC and Hotel Corp of India, two areas where the Govt has no business to be in. It is high time the people call the Left's bluff and revolt in the streets. This is what a people's revolution is all about...freedom from irrational economic dogma from a failed ideology whose practioners in its purest form still rule over the hermit kingdom of North Korea.
The Chinese, as a result of their Confucian streak in them. have offered a more sanitized version of Marxism though one devoid of freedom. Can the Indian Left come out with something different.
SILENCE OF THE LEFT (In 1991 vs their barking of today)
If one goes back in time to circa 1991 when a nation still reeling from the shock of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination and a minority Congress Govt. under a lacklustre Shri. P.V.Narasimha Rao taking over from the remnants of a failed Mandalized Janata Dal experiment , few would have ruminated about the 'historic blunder' the Left had committed by their 'SILENCE' and almost feeble protest to the Big bang reforms being carried out in quick succesion in that summer of 1991.The reforms that year were so far reaching and comprehensive that it signified the final break from Nehruvian socialism as the nation had known for the past 4 decades, and only an economic crisis of the magnitude could have compelled such an action, if not ideological conviction.
The Left which lent support to the minority Govt. from outside simply watched from the sidelines and did not do anything much to sabotage it by ranting and threatening to withdraw support like they do today at every rational economic announcement from the present govt of Dr. Manmohan Singh. What explained their silence then, to the 'anti people', neo liberal policies which were so blasphemous,despicable and anathema to their working class ideology.
I think the explanation lies in a Shell Shocked left stll reeling from the shock of the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 followed by the collapse of eastern Europe and which was preceeded by the ousting of the Russians from Afghanistan by the Mujahideen.This was followed by the failed coup against Gorbachev in July 1991 and its subsequent defiance by a maverick Boris Yelstin waving defiantly atop a tank, followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union, proved to be the final straw. The prophecy of George Keenan that 'communism contains within it the seeds of its own destruction' came true and a weary Left did not have much of an ideological ammunition to oppose unpalatable policies.
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